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Этноцентризм (ethnocentrism). Восприятие идей и практик других культур в терминах собственной культуры, Этноцентрические суждения не позволяют справедливо оценивать другие культуры. Этноцентрист — человек, неспособный или нежелающий рассматривать другие культуры в рамках их собственных понятий. 39, 40, 54, 185, 186.

Этноцентрические транснациональные корпорации (ethnocentric transnationals). Транснациональные компании, управление которыми осуществляется непосредственно из штаб-квартиры родительской (основной) компании. 393.

Ядро мировой системы (core). Ведущие индустриально развитые страны, занимающие центральные позиции в мировой экономике (прежде всего США, Западная Европа, Япония), 15.



См. также; Giddens A. New Rules as Sociological Method. London: Hutchinson, 1976; он же. The Nation-State end Violence, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1985; он же. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modem Age, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1991; Гидденс Э. Девять тезисов о будущем социологии // THESIS: Теория и история экономических и социальных институтов и систем. М., Зима, 1993, т. 1, вып. 1, № 1. С. S7-S2; Гидденс Э., Элементы теории структурации / Современная социальная теория: Бурдье, Гидденс, Хабермас (под ред. А. В. Леденевой), Новосибирск, изд-во Новосибирского университета, 1995. С. 41–80.


Giddens A, The Constitution of Society. Cambridge, Polity Press, 1985; Sztompka A. Society in Action: The Theory of Social becoming. Cambridge, Polity Press, 1991; Alexander J. Action and its Environments. Towards a New Synthesis. Columbia University Press, 1988; Archer M. Culture and Agency. Cambridge, University Press, 1988.


Monter Е.William. The pedestal and the stake: courtly love and witchcraft. In: Renate Bridenthal and Clauetia Кмщ. Becoming Visible: Women in European History. Boston, 1977.


Evans-Pritchard Е. Е. Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande. Oxford, 1950.


Cockerham W. С. Medical Sociology. New Jersey, 1986.


Foucault Michel. Discipline and Punish. Hannondsworth, 1979.


Lafland John. The dramaturgy of the State executions. In: Horace Bleackley and John Lofland. State Executions, Viewed Historically and Sociologically. New Jersey, 1977.


Mills С.Wright. The Sociological Imagination. Hannondsworth, 1970.


Habermas Jurgen. Communication and the Evolution of Society. Cambridge, 1979.


Worsley Peter. The Trumpet Shall Sound: A Study of “Cargo Cults” in Melanesia. London, 1970.


Pagden Anthony. The Fall of Natural Man. Cambridge, 1982. P. 23.


Hirst Paul and Wooley Penny. Social Relations and Human Attributes. London, 1982.


Wilson Edward О. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge, 1975; Wllson Edward O. On Human Nature. Cambridge, 1978.


Sahlins Marshall. The Use and Abuse of Biology. Michigan, 1976; Cap/an Arthur L. (ed.). The Sociobiology Debate: Readings on Ethical and Scientific Issues. New York, 1978; Montagu Ashley. Sociobiology Examined. Oxford, 1980; Wiegele Thomas C. (ed.). Biology and The Social Sciences: An Emerging Revolution Benlder, 1982; Kitcher Philip. Vaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and The Quest for Human Nature. Cambridge. 1985.


Tinbergen Niko. The Study of Instinct. Oxford, 1974.


Suttles Gerald. The Social Order of the Slum. Chicago, 1968.


Miner Horace. Body ritual among the Nacirema // American Anthropologist, 58. 1956.


Oswall Wendell Hillman. Other Peoples, Other Customs: World ethnography and its History. New York, 1972; Friedl John. The Human Portrait: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. New Jersey, 1981; Hiebert Paul G. Cultural Anthropology. Philadelphia, 1976.


Murdoch George Peter. The Common Denominator of Cultures. In: Ralph Union (ed.). The Science of Man in a World of Crisis. New York, 1945.


Gardner Beatrice and Gardner Alien. Teaching sign language to a chimpanzee // Science, 165. 1969; Gardner Beatrice and Gardner Alien. Evidence for sentence constituents in the ealy utterances of child and chimpanzee // Journal of Experimental Psychology, 104. 1975.


Linden E. Apes, Men and Language. Harmondsworth, 1976; Seidenberg M. S. et al. Signing behaviour in apes: a critical review // Cognition, 7. 1979.


Gelb I.J. A Study of Writing. Chicago, 1952.


Leach Edmund. Culture and Communication: The Logic by which Symbols are Connected. Cambridge, 1976.


Harris Marvin. Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures. London, 1978.


Wolf Eric R. Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley, 1983.


Bicchieri M. G. (ed.). Hunters and Gatherers Today. New York, 1972; Diamond Stanley. In: Search of The Primitive. New Brunswick. 1974; Schrire Carmel (ed.). Past and Present in Hanter Gatherer Studies. New York, 1984.


Turnbull Colin. The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation. New York, 1983; Mair Lucy. African Societies. Cambridge, 1974.


Sahlins Marshall. Stone Age Economics. Chicago, 1972.


Evans-Pritchard Е. Е. The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. Oxford, 1940.


Newman Philip L. Knowing the Gururumba. New York, 1965.


Burns E. M. and P. L. Ralph. World Civilizations. New York, 1974.


Eisenstatd S. N. The Political System of Empires. Glencoe, 1963; Claessen Henri J. M. and Peter Skalnik. The Early State. The Hague, 1978; Kautsky John J. The Politics of Aristocratic Empires. Chapel Hill, 1982.


Kramer S. N. History Begins at Sumer. New York, 1959.


McNeill William H. The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force and Society since AD 1000. Oxford, 1983; Mann Michael. The Sources of Social Power. Vol. I. A History of Power from the Beginning to 1760. Cambridge, 1986.


Shattwk Roger. The Fortidden Experiment: The Story of the Wild Boy of Aveyron. New York, 1980. P. 69;Lane Harlan. The Wild Boy of Aveyron. Cambridge, 1976.


Curtis Susan. Genie. New York, 1977.


James William. Principles of Psychology. New York, 1890.


Ainsworth M. D. S. Infancy in Uganda. Baltimore, 1977.


Fraiberg Selma. The Magic Years: Understanding and Handling the Problems of E.i-,\ Cniidhood. New York, 1959.


Parten Mildred. Social play among preschool children // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 27. 1932.


Harlow Harry F. and R. R. Zimmerman. Affectional responses in the infant monkey // Science. 130. 1959; Harlow Harry F. and Margaret K. Harlow. Social deprivation in monkeys // Scientific American. 1962; Novak M.A. Social recovery of monkeys isolated for the first year of life: II. Long-term assessment Developmental Psychology, 2. 1979.


Bowlby John. Maternal Care and Mental Health. Geneva, 1951. P. 62.


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“I” и “Me” — две подсистемы в системе социального Я индивида. “Me” представляет собой свойственную данному индивиду совокупность установок “других”, т. е. интернализованную структуру групповой деятельности. “I”, напротив, имеет автономный характер, является источником спонтанного, непредсказуемого поведения, отражает специфику реакций индивида на социальные символы. Щит. по: Ионин Л. Г. Современная западная социология. М., 1990. С. 187.)